Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence

HAI is the in-house healthcare and artificial intelligence research center which is laying the foundation for much bigger things that we have in store with INAI, an applied Artificial Intelligence research center in collaboration with Intel, the Telangana government, IIITH, and the Public Health Foundation of India.

S No. Title Poster Video
01 LigGPT - Molecular Generation using a Transformer- Decoder Model P-01 V-01
02 DeepPocket - Ligand Binding Site Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks P-02 V-02
03 MMBERT - Multimodal BERT for Improved Medical VQA P-03 V-03
04 Ayu - Characterization - Prediction - of Healthy Ageing from Neuroimaging Data P-04 V-04
05 PreHost - Host Prediction of Coronaviridae family using genomic sequences - P-05 V-05
06 ASD Classification using Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity P-06 V-06
07 Deep Learning in Histopathology Whole Slide Images - P-07 V-07
08 Explainable Arrythmia Detection using Deep Learning P-08 V-08
09 Enhanced Sampling of Chemical Space for High Throughput Screening Applications using Machine Learning P-09 V-09

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